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Our coaches build a relationship with you in order to accomplish your own goals of leadership and self-development. Coaching is based on concepts from sports, business, neuroscience, psychology and adult development theory. It’s for people who want more from their personal and business lives.


Coaching allows leaders to set more rewarding personal and professional goals and to develop a strategy to achieve those goals while receiving encouragement and support throughout the process. It’s not unlike having a personal trainer for one’s professional growth and development.


Coaching creates an environment where there is the freedom to move forward—freedom from judgment and freedom from the expectations of others. In this environment it is safe to question, to appear vulnerable, to observe, to explore, experiment, to learn and change.

The Developmental Dash

The Development Dash (DevDash) is a unique and powerful program built on the Immunity to Change (ITC) coaching model (see the video by Robert Kegan on our About page). Mission-driven leaders will learn to integrate their faith into their leadership development while moving forward on their own “high-value” goals.

Participants will:

  • Identify “high-value” improvement goals for greater impact and effectiveness in
    their leadership roles.
  • Discover blind spots, competing commitments, and big assumptions that present
    barriers to change.
  • Gain new insights as they “test their way forward” in actual leadership
  • Develop peer-to-peer coaching skills to keep the process of growth moving
    forward within the organization long after the DevDash is over.

Entrepreneurial Leadership Program

This program is designed for indigenous, mission-driven leaders dedicated to bringing God’s hope and transformation to vulnerable communities in the developing world.  Through our network of international partners, we identify gifted and passionate individuals who are leading local ministries, non-profits, and community organizations, and who want to grow in their competency and effectiveness as organizational leaders. This program is made possible through the generous donations of our partners and friends.  Click the “Donate” button to learn more. 

Team Development

All leaders know the challenges associated with finding deep levels of agreement and engagement among team members with vastly different backgrounds, skillsets, and perspectives.  This program helps senior leadership teams grow in their knowledge of self and one other, clarify what is most critical for the team’s attention today, and chart a course for improving their team performance while honoring the diversity within the group.  This program can be delivered in-person over a 2-3-day leadership gathering or virtually over a several week period.  

Bridges and Barriers Program

This program consists of a series of workshops designed to enhance community organizations with tools for engaging urban opportunity youth in relationships and effective programming.


The first workshop presents a new way to understand unhealthy behavior. Whereas all people engage in counterproductive behaviors, the choices made by opportunity youth often lead to more visible and drastic consequences. These consequences are not sufficient, however, to prevent maladaptive behavior from occurring repeatedly.  This pattern can overwhelm people who care for our youth, making them believe they can’t make a difference and their presence doesn’t bring value. But there is a better way to walk — research informs an approach, both effective and compassionate, to its core, to address this devastating pattern. Participants gain a greater understanding of why maladaptive behaviors occur and how indifference as well as misinformation continuously feed the destructive pattern. Practical evidence-based principles for how informed and compassionate organizations can respond are included.


The second workshop engages participants in tracing the big picture of what they can accomplish through effective relationships and offers practical tips for day-to-day interactions. 

The three-legged stool model of transformational relationships is used to diagnose common forms of imbalance and allows for reflection on your own approach to relationships with youth. Experiential use of several practical tips is included within this workshop along with specific steps for implementing these tips with the youth you serve. You will gain a richer understanding of how intentional relationships are a necessary part of addressing visible risk factors and overcoming maladaptive behavior traps.


The third workshop provides evidence-based solutions and recommendations for effective program design. Various tools to analyze the interaction between the risk profiles of the young people you serve are included along with design principles for effective programs.  Many programs misalign their approaches, for example, by attempting to serve high-risk young people but use low- to moderate-risk design principles. This misalignment can lead to burnout, a waste of resources, and the inability to retain young people and guide them toward success. This third session is geared towards nonprofit professionals who are continuously engaged in programmatic design processes. Participants learn to use a framework for understanding the three common risk profiles and how they manifest in program environments. Also included are a series of powerful questions to ask within teams to better align services and policies with the risk profiles of the population they wish to serve. 


For more information about this program please contact